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The Alle, Nysis and The Emparin.

This is a quick overview of this race, there may be slight spoilers due to interlocking lore.

Though the Alle, Nysis and Emparin are all the same race, their culture and and societies are vastly different.

The Nysis.

The Nysis are warriors of the sky. Residing in the red mountains of Geadia, the Nysis will often be at odds with the Gyva just for fun, but in times of war they agree upon the same ideals making them temporary allies, though the fight for the Geadian sky will continue upon peace time.

The Nysis build in the crevices of towering stone totems creating a city that, from the outside, is almost completely unnoticeable.

The Emparin.

Known as the snakes of the sky, the Emparin are raven feathered, black feathers and hair with iridescent shades of purple and green. Their skin is often pale due to the rainy weather of Bethyel.

Their home Bethyel lies between Kymaidia and Saevev. With the rains coming off the swamps of Tav’aesh, Bethyel is often under a covering of clouds. The ground is touched only by the creatures who creep beneath the canopy of towering trees and and tall pillars of stone known as the Teeth of Bethyel. Unlike the Nysis, the Emparin do not hide their homes and cities. With detailed structures built into the stone and trees around them, the only way to traverse their cities is by flight, as it is with all winged folk.

The Emparin prefer to avoid outright conflict, seeking silent ways to gain power, influence and control. Though the Emparin are men of their word, they always seem to find a way around it. This has made them, in the eyes of other races, untrustworthy.

The Alle.

The Alle are the white and angelic folk of the sky. Residing in the outskirts of Saevev and the coastline of Kymaidia, the Alle founded the City of Heila, which was the most diverse and accepting society at the time. Though despite their founding a tolerant society, the Alle were proud and often arrogant when compared to their kin the Nysis and Emparin, creating a seperation and even hatred toward them.

The arrogance of the Alle led to their extinction by the hand of the Emparin, who within only a few days wiped out the Alle.


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